More Little Known Facts
Last week, I spent some time listing little known facts about "Miss Cate" to my piano families. I received a lot of great response from that post, so I thought I would use this week's post to include another round of lesser known facts about me.
1. I met Yogi Berra one Thanksgiving morning.
My family was taking a walk one Thanksgiving morning and happened to walk down the street that Yogi Berra lived. He had rented out a Handsome Cab for a day for his family to enjoy, and he was standing outside to make sure the rides were going smoothly. We spent a moment talking to him and delivering Happy Thanksgiving wishes to him.
2. I took harp lessons in college.
I spent one semester in college learning how to play the harp. It was quite the unique experience for me, as my piano hands had to adjust to the unique plucking of the harp strings. It was a great experience for me to try something new!
3. I can drive a Model T
One of my grandfather's most significant hobbies over his lifetime was the restoration, driving, and touring of his Model T's. Many a Larsen family vacation included hitching up the trailer with the Model T inside and driving all across the country for the opportunity to drive the Model T in really gorgeous scenery.
4. My first trip out of the country was to Montreal.
My senior year of college took me to Montreal over my January break to help my classical studies honorary, Eta Sigma Phi (ESP). ESP was running a booth at the Archaeological Institute of America's Annual Meeting. The National President, National Vice-President (me), and National Secretary of ESP had the great opportunity not only to run the booth, but also to attend some fascinating lectures.
5. My high school graduation gift was a trip to the Indy 500 with my grandparents and my dad.
Did I mention I love racing? It was a fairly chilly, but sunny day for the Indy 500. My dad and I spent the morning walking through the inside field and watching the drivers hop into their vehicles before the race began. It was an awesome experience!
This photo is the post-race tailgate with my dad and grandpa.
Hope you all enjoyed this mini-series!