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Managing the Noise, Finding the Music

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word noise as, "A sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance."

Noise, in a way, is its own form of music. John Cage capitalized on this idea by creating a piece called 4' 33" in which the pianist opens and closes the piano lid to signify the change from movement to movement. Not a single key is struck. It is up to the audience to listen and find the sounds throughout the duration. You could hear a floor creak, a stifled cough, or the wind whipping through the trees outside. To Cage, those sounds and potential noises are, in fact, music.

I would argue that although noise is considered a part of the musical world, it is not the true sound that the human soul desires or longs to hear. As an example, I personally enjoy listening to the Old Music of the ocean waves hitting against the beach, but bristle at the noise of people yelling while playing sand volleyball on the beach.

So there comes a point when we have to diligently work hard to cut out some of the noise that surrounds us in everyday life and seek music that cultivates and nourishes our souls.

Millennials like myself are turning to classical music as a means of separating the noises from the good music. According to The Guardian, "research has shown clear indications of new listening trends, with almost half (45%) of young people saying they see classical music as an escape from the noise of modern life."

Just take a moment and think about how often our minds are hit with noise. From the the second our screeching alarm clock wakes us up, to the time we fall asleep with perhaps a movie or TV show on in the background playing synthesized sounds, we are surrounded by noise that distracts.

There are a few ways to help manage the noise and ultimately, the distractions we face on a daily basis for yourself and your family. One significant way is to add classical music to everyone's playlist at home. Another is classical music lessons. Learning how the great composers wrote and performed their pieces can inspire students to do the same. I mean, how many pop artists are allowed to set off cannons at their concerts? NONE. But you can with Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture!

Another idea is to have classical music on in the background while you're eating dinner together. With a relaxing musical setting like that, opportunities for good conversations between family members can grow.

The point is to take some time to find the distracting noises throughout the day and replace them with the great sounds of classical music. Why listen to bad sounds, or even good sounds, when the best sounds can ultimately be found through a little bit of effort?

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